Sunday, 28 April 2013

Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner... Or Bad Clothes

My beautiful nephew Felix was finally born this week meaning (yes that's right) baby shopping! And as a proud auntie I believe that he deserves only the best and oh yes that does include Seed (however my bank account isn't as thrilled as I am)... After being spoiled for choice I ended up getting him this cute little fox onesie. Felix the Fox! So this is me still in baby heaven, loving this new addition to the family and telling just about everyone about him, over and over again.
Till next time x

- Tali

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Gold Class

What better way to spend a rainy Sunday than in the comforting hands of my old friend, Retail? Picked up these gorgeous boots today and if they weren't already sweet enough, the fact that they were a present really was the cherry-on-top! Now I must resume staring at them all night long while I leave you all green with envy! xx

- Tali

Monday, 1 April 2013

April Lovin'

Woke up to a number of "I'm Pregnant" texts this morning, nothing better to introduce April as the new month. So excited to start bringing out fur, denim and leather. Nothing beats an amazing winter wardrobe.
So this is basically a collection of things i want and need. Particularly the choc banana crepes, *drool.
- Meg